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Date d'inscription : 21/03/2020

Nouvelles du Club de Chișinău en Moldavie  Empty Nouvelles du Club de Chișinău en Moldavie

Mar 22 Mar - 15:32
Vladimir, le président du club de Chișinău était en visio hier soir (21 mars)  
L'accueil des réfugiés est mieux organisé qu'au début du conflit. Bon nombre de réfugiés sont déjà repartis en Pologne, Allemagne, France.
Les besoins les plus importants portent sur la nourriture et produits d'hygiène pour les femmes et enfants. Il y a eu déjà plusieurs convois mais les stockes baissent rapidement.
7 membres du club de Chișinău sont sur place pour aider le collectif de bénévoles ou sera acheminé notre convoi.

Dear all,

We, Lions Club Chisinau, have created a short message about the situation over ukrainian refugees.
Maybe it will help you for fundraising, please let me share it with you.

All the best,

Moldova shows solidarity with Ukrainian refugees

Our country is one of the main refugee-hosting countries and a transit country for onwards. Since 24 February 2022, over 250,000 Ukrainian refugees have entered Moldova.
Due to the continuous growth of tension of the military actions in Ukraine, women and children are seeking shelters in our countries, of which numbers are increasing.

Up to 50 hours of driving and over 24 hours of wait, this is what it takes to escape the terrifying events in their homeland.
People arrive in a devastated conditions and are heavily affected psychologically and physically. In Chisinau, the Ukrainian refugees receive the support with completion of the documents, which furthermost offers them the opportunity to stay in Moldova or continue their journey towards other countries.

The municipality provides transportation, accommodation, food, and the necessary assistance to all those who are in need.
Donations are offered from the country's citizens, companies, and international organizations, which are allocated to all placement centres over the whole country as well as customs points and individuals.
We are deeply touched by the war situation, and we truly believe that everyone deserves a clear and blue sky above their heads. Therefore, we are showing generosity, solidarity, and humanity towards refugees, daily. We believe: NO CHILD SHOULD SUFFER! NO WOMAN SHOULD SUFFER! NOBODY SHOULD SUFFER! They need peace, childhood, access to education, health services and other basic human needs.
Lions Club Chisinau appreciate your intention to help. Lions are a big family. Only together we will be able to help these people.

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